Monday, December 13, 2010

San Evaristo

Arrived into San Evaristo today. It's a large and calm anchorage that has a small seaside community.  Went ashore today to see what the local tienda had since our provisions of fresh fruit and veggies has dwindled since we left Puerto Escondido 10 days ago.  We found tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, lettuce, and other dry foods such as oatmeal (Quaker!) and rice.  This is the first store we have found since we departed our home port.  We estimate we’ll be away from stores and the like for another week or so, so these fresh foods are a treat and will bridge the gap.

Chandler and Henry received an advent calendar from Aunt Carol.  It had chocolate squares under each "window" and as of today it was still unopened.  With a little hesitation Chandler decided to give it to the girl who lived at the tienda. That night Chandler was really glad she had given it away since it looked like the girl wouldn't have had anything of the sort otherwise.  The "spirit of giving" is alive and well in Baja and most definitely within Chandler.

La tienda. The scale on the desk was used to weigh veggies, etc.
outside the tienda...

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