Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4, 2011 Homeward Bound

 As we headed north in the Sea, getting closer and closer to Loreto, we felt the nearing end of this sailing adventure.  We made sure we stopped and enjoyed each moment, appreciated the stillness of each day, and the freedom this lifestyle has offered us.  Yet even freedom isn't without responsibility and chores so as we pulled into our home port, Puerto Escondido, we went through the necessary check list that will help us secure the boat while we step off and get reacquainted with land life.  

We arrived late in the afternoon; deciding to spend one last night onboard.  We unpacked most of our belongings into our car that was waiting in the parking lot of the marina and ate a quick dinner before a calm night's sleep in the beautiful protected harbor of Puerto Escondido.  Once at anchor, Chandler and Henry hoisted the dinghy...not an easy task.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Punta Salinas Salt Mine

The next day, March 30, we sailed to Isla San Jose and one its anchorages, Punta Salinas, where a defunct salt mining operation sits.  Its vast area of low lying land with pools of dried salt made us feel like we were walking on the moon.  Crunch, crunch, crunch was the sound underfoot as we traipsed through the salt beds.  The kids climbed up a pile of salt, "skated" across ponds of crystallized salt, and found salt particles globed together like branches covered with ice and snow.  We even found a discarded plastic jug and collected salt in it to bring back for friends who might want to have the "real deal" (sea salt) after we boil it and put it in jars.